SEM, SEO, Local Services, Website Performance

Firestorm LeadGen web design and development services ensure that your websites deliver striking graphic imagery that integrates key features needed for you to succeed in today’s online marketplace. Our designers are skilled and up-to-date on the latest developments in web technology and will create and maintain a superior interaction with your audience. With a focus on function and usability, our designers lead the way to your online marketing success.

We take Search Engine Optimization seriously. Even the most search optimized websites tend to drop from priority placement over time. Search engine methods change, keywords rise and fall in popular usage. Download speed expectations get faster and faster. Popularity of the messages on the site change seasonally. We work hard and achieve good results in our SEO efforts, then we continue to work hard to keep your rankings high.

Local origin marketing. When a potential customer uses a search engine to find a potential provider of the service they are looking for, the search engine will attempt to move the nearest choice to the top of the list they provide. If you have multiple locations you want Google to consider each of them separately as the possible closest choice. If there are nearby cities where you don’t have a location but still provide services, you want Google to know your service areas. Firestorm LeadGen can help you make that happen.

These Stats Will Surprise You

  • 79% of site visitors who are not satisfied with site performance are unlikely to make a call*
  • 40% of visitors abandon a site that takes longer than three seconds to load*
  • 47% of visitors expect a site to load in two seconds or less*


Great user interface is closely connected to site speed, but there are other important factors. To totally outperform the competition a sites must be attractive, loaded with useful information and intuitive to navigate